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zek: Generate a Go struct from a given XML from `stdin` and send output to a file.
$ curl -s ${https:--url-to-xml} | zek -o ${path-to-output-go}
try on your machine

This command uses the curl and zek command-line tools to download an XML file and convert it to a Go file.

Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • curl: It is a command-line tool used for transferring data with URLs. In this command, it is used to make an HTTP request to download the XML file.
  • -s: This option is used to make the curl command work silently, without showing progress or error messages.
  • ${https:--url-to-xml}: This is a placeholder for an actual URL pointing to the XML file. You need to replace it with the real URL.
  • |: This symbol represents the pipe operator, which is used to redirect the output of the curl command to the input of the zek command.
  • zek: It is a command-line tool used for converting XML to various output formats, such as Go, JSON, etc.
  • -o: This option is used to specify the output file or directory for the converted Go file.
  • ${path-to-output-go}: This is a placeholder for the actual destination path where the Go file will be saved. You need to replace it with the actual path and file name.

In summary, this command downloads an XML file from a specified URL using curl, and then pipes the downloaded content to zek which converts it to a Go file, saving it to the specified output path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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