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List of commands for zenity:

  • zenity:tldr:1f580 zenity: Display a file selection form in which the user can only select directories.
    $ zenity --file-selection --directory
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  • zenity:tldr:253b9 zenity: Display a name/password form and output the data separated by ";".
    $ zenity --forms --add-entry="${Name}" --add-password="${Password}" --separator="${;}"
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  • zenity:tldr:80f38 zenity: Display a progress bar which updates its message every second and show a progress percent.
    $ ${(echo "#1"; sleep 1; echo "50"; echo "#2"; sleep 1; echo "100")} | zenity --progress
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  • zenity:tldr:9fbb1 zenity: Display the default question dialog.
    $ zenity --question
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  • zenity:tldr:cbb43 zenity: Display an info dialog displaying the text "Hello!".
    $ zenity --info --text="${Hello!}"
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