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zip: Archive files/directories to a multi-part [s]plit zip file (e.g. 3 GB parts).
$ zip -r -s ${3g} ${path-to-compressed-zip} ${filename_or_directory1 filename_or_directory2 ---}
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The command "zip -r -s ${3g} ${path-to-compressed-zip} ${filename_or_directory1 filename_or_directory2 ---}" is used to create a compressed zip file from one or multiple files or directories. Let's break down the command and understand its components:

  • "zip": This is the command itself, used to create a zip archive.

  • "-r": This option stands for "recurse into directories". It tells the command to include all files and subdirectories within the specified directories.

  • "-s ${3g}": This option is used to split the resulting zip file into multiple volumes (multiple parts). In this case, the option is set to "${3g}", which means each part will have a maximum size of 3 GB. So, if the resulting zip file exceeds 3 GB, it will be split into multiple parts.

  • "${path-to-compressed-zip}": This is the path and name you want to give to the compressed zip file that will be generated. You need to replace "${path-to-compressed-zip}" with the desired path and name of the zip file.

  • "${filename_or_directory1 filename_or_directory2 ---}": These are the files or directories you want to include in the zip archive. You need to specify the path and name of each file or directory you want to include. You can include as many files and directories as you want by separating them with a space.

So, when you execute this command in your terminal or command prompt, it will create a compressed zip file at the specified path with the given name. The file will include the contents of the specified files and directories. If the resulting zip file exceeds 3 GB, it will be split into multiple parts of 3 GB each.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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