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zip: Align the data of a ZIP file on 4-byte boundaries.
$ zipalign ${4} ${path-to-input-zip} ${path-to-output-zip}
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The command "zipalign" is a tool used in Android development to optimize APK (Android application package) files. It aligns the data in the APK file to a 4-byte boundary, which improves the app's performance.

The command provided: "zipalign ${4} ${path-to-input-zip} ${path-to-output-zip}" utilizes the "zipalign" tool to align and create a new, optimized APK file.

Here's how to interpret each part of the command:

  • "${4}": It refers to the alignment parameter, which specifies the byte boundary to align the data. In this case, it is set to 4 bytes.

  • "${path-to-input-zip}": It represents the path or location of the input APK file that you want to optimize and align.

  • "${path-to-output-zip}": It specifies the path where the optimized and aligned APK file should be saved or created.

So, the command will perform the zip alignment process on the input APK file using a 4-byte boundary and generate an optimized and aligned output APK file at the desired location.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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