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zm: Publish a draft and commit it with git.
$ zm publish
try on your machine

The command "zm publish" is typically used in the context of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, which is an open-source email and collaboration platform.

When used in Zimbra, the "zm publish" command is used to publish shared folders or documents from the user's mailbox to a public location. It allows users to share their email messages, contacts, calendars, tasks, or files with other users or external parties.

The command has various options and can be used to publish different types of content. For example, "zm publish -a folder" can be used to publish a specific folder within the user's mailbox, while "zm publish -a contact" can be used to publish a contact. Additionally, the command can specify whether the published content should include specific elements, such as attachments or metadata.

By using the "zm publish" command, users can make their content accessible to others without requiring them to have a Zimbra account. It can be useful for collaboration, sharing information, or making specific content publicly accessible.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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