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znew: Recompress a file from `.Z` to `.gz` format.
$ znew ${filename1-Z}
try on your machine

The command "znew ${filename1-Z}" is written in a Bash shell scripting language syntax. Here's a breakdown of its components:

  • "znew": This is the name of a command or utility that is being executed. It can be a custom command or a built-in command depending on your system configuration. However, typically "znew" is used to compress a file using the compress algorithm.

  • "${filename1-Z}": This is a parameter or argument passed to the "znew" command. It uses the Bash shell's parameter expansion syntax. The value of the "${filename1}" can vary depending on how it is defined or assigned earlier in the script. The "-Z" is an optional flag or option that can be used with "znew" command to specify the compression algorithm to use.

If the value of the "${filename1}" parameter is provided, then the command would compress the file specified by "${filename1}" using the compress algorithm. If the value of "${filename1}" is not provided or is empty (null), then the command would compress the file named "Z" using the compress algorithm.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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