The command "zoxide init ${select}" is used to initialize the zoxide shell plugin with a specific selection mechanism, represented by the placeholder "${select}". Zoxide is a powerful replacement for the cd
command in your shell, which allows you to jump to directories based on your habits and preferences, rather than relying on exact path matches. By keeping track of the directories you frequently visit, zoxide provides an efficient way to navigate within your filesystem. The "init" subcommand is used to initialize zoxide with the specified selection mechanism. "${select}" is a placeholder that indicates you need to replace it with the desired selection mechanism. The available options for "${select}" can vary depending on your zoxide configuration or shell. For example, if you want to initialize zoxide with fzf (a fuzzy finder), you can use the following command: zoxide init fzf Or, if you prefer to use the built-in selection mechanism, you can use: zoxide init pwd In this case, "pwd" refers to the default selection mechanism, which prioritizes the current working directory. By running "zoxide init ${select}", you're setting up zoxide with the chosen selection mechanism, enhancing your shell navigation experience.