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zstd: Unlock higher compression levels (up to 22) using more memory (both for compression and decompression).
$ zstd --ultra -${level} ${filename}
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The command "zstd --ultra -${level} ${filename}" is used to compress a file using the Zstandard compression algorithm, with a specific compression level.

Here's an explanation of the command:

  • "zstd" is the name of the command-line utility for Zstandard compression.
  • "--ultra" is an option used to enable the ultra compression level. Ultra level provides higher compression ratios at the cost of increased compression and decompression times.
  • "-${level}" is a placeholder for the compression level parameter. The "${level}" indicates that the value for the compression level should be provided when executing the command. The actual value for "${level}" can be a number from 1 to 22, where 1 is the fastest compression with the lowest ratio, and 22 is the slowest compression with the highest ratio.
  • "${filename}" is a placeholder for the name of the file you want to compress. The actual filename should be provided when executing the command.

In summary, this command compresses a file using Zstandard with a specific compression level (provided as a parameter), and the ultra option is enabled to prioritize higher compression ratios.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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