It is probably one of the best server and website monitoring tools on the market. Why? Because parts of our team are involved in this product. So ... best monitoring tool. Actually, 360 Monitoring is a SaaS product that you use in your browser, but there is also a very extensive CLI client that you can use for many automations and integrations. As always, the first step you have to take is the installation. This is done very simply via pip.
360monitoring:install Install the 360 Monitoring CLI client.
$ pip install 360monitoringcli
$ 360monitoring config save --api-key ${api-key}
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Once the tool is installed, you can get started and start viewing the data you have collected. Let's start with the general statistics and uptime of all the assets that are being monitored.
360monitoring:statistics Show statistics and average uptimes for the entire 360 Monitoring account with all monitored servers and sites.
$ 360monitoring statistics
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However, it is probably not always important to get all the information. In most cases, it is sufficient to display only the open issues. This is also possible without any problems.
360monitoring:sites:issues Show list of all monitored sites that have (status, uptime, time to first byte) issues currently.
$ 360monitoring sites list --issues
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360monitoring:servers:issues Show list of all monitored servers that have (load, mem, disk) issues currently.
$ 360monitoring servers list --issues
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A great feature that is currently only offered via the command line are the recommendations. This shows the servers that are at their limits.
360monitoring:servers:recommendations Show upgrade recommendations for servers that are exceeding their limits.
$ 360monitoring recommendations
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Of course, the CLI of 360 Monitoring offers much more, but with these commands you already make a lot of progress.