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abbr: Import the abbreviations defined on another host over SSH.
$ ssh ${host_name} abbr --show | source
try on your machine

This command is using SSH to connect to a remote system specified by the host_name variable. Once connected, it executes the command abbr --show on the remote system.

The abbr --show command is likely a custom or installed script or program that displays abbreviations or shortcuts configured on the remote system.

The | source part of the command is a pipeline operator that takes the output of the previous command (abbr --show) and passes it to the source command. The source command is used to read and execute the commands from a file in the current shell environment.

Therefore, the overall purpose of this command is to connect to a remote system over SSH, execute a command (abbr --show) that displays abbreviations, and then pass the output of that command to be executed in the local shell environment using the source command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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