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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ssh. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. It is intended to replace rlogin and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel.

List of commands for ssh:

  • abbr:tldr:5b847 abbr: Import the abbreviations defined on another host over SSH.
    $ ssh ${host_name} abbr --show | source
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  • ssh:tldr:2b767 ssh: Connect to a remote server with a specific identity (private key).
    $ ssh -i ${path-to-key_file} ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:3f277 ssh: Connect to a remote server.
    $ ssh ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:83194 ssh: SSH jumping: Connect through a jumphost to a remote server (Multiple jump hops may be specified separated by comma characters).
    $ ssh -J ${username}@${jump_host} ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:84482 ssh: Connect to a remote server using a specific port.
    $ ssh ${username}@${remote_host} -p ${2222}
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  • ssh:tldr:ce1fd ssh: SSH tunneling: Forward a specific port (`localhost:9999` to ``) along with disabling pseudo-[T]ty allocation and executio[N] of remote commands.
    $ ssh -L ${9999}:${example-org}:${80} -N -T ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:d22ed ssh: Agent forwarding: Forward the authentication information to the remote machine (see `man ssh_config` for available options).
    $ ssh -A ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:d4baa ssh: SSH tunneling: Dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy on `localhost:1080`).
    $ ssh -D ${1080} ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:d86a8 ssh: Run a command on a remote server with a [t]ty allocation allowing interaction with the remote command.
    $ ssh ${username}@${remote_host} -t ${command} ${command_arguments}
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