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abbr: Rename an existing abbreviation.
$ abbr --rename ${old_name} ${new_name}
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The command "abbr --rename ${old_name} ${new_name}" is used for renaming an abbreviation in a computer system or application.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "abbr" is the command or utility being used. It is likely a part of a specific software or operating system that handles abbreviations or shortcuts.

  • "--rename" is an option or flag that instructs the "abbr" command to perform a renaming operation.

  • "${old_name}" refers to the current or existing name of the abbreviation that you want to change. It is represented as a placeholder or variable enclosed in "${}". You need to replace it with the actual old name.

  • "${new_name}" refers to the desired new name that you want to assign to the abbreviation. Like the "${old_name}", it is also a placeholder that needs to be replaced with the new name you intend to use.

In summary, running this command will trigger the "abbr" utility to rename the abbreviation from the old_name to the new_name. The specific details and impact of this renaming action might depend on the context and purpose of the abbreviation within the system or application you are using.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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