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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool abbr. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


abbr is a command-line tool that helps users generate common English language abbreviations. It is designed to assist in scenarios where you need to quickly generate an abbreviation for a given phrase or sentence.

By default, abbr generates abbreviations using the first letter of each word in the phrase or sentence, resulting in an acronym-like output. However, it also offers options to create different types of abbreviations, including initialisms and short forms.

The tool allows you to specify the maximum length for the abbreviation, which can be useful when you need to fit it into certain constraints. If the specified length is shorter than the generated abbreviation, abbr will automatically truncate it accordingly.

abbr also provides an option to automatically capitalize the output abbreviation, ensuring consistency and adherence to capitalization rules. Additionally, there is an option to expand the generated abbreviation back into the original phrase for better readability.

To use abbr, you simply provide the phrase or sentence as an argument, along with any desired options. The resulting abbreviation will be displayed in the command-line interface.

This tool can come in handy when writing technical documentation, creating acronyms for organizations or projects, or generating memorable abbreviations for passwords or codes. It provides a quick and convenient way to generate unique abbreviations with minimal effort.

abbr is open-source software and can be customized or extended by developers according to their specific requirements. It is available for various operating systems, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

List of commands for abbr:

  • abbr:tldr:2119c abbr: Erase an existing abbreviation.
    $ abbr --erase ${abbreviation_name}
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  • abbr:tldr:6af82 abbr: Add a new abbreviation.
    $ abbr --add ${abbreviation_name} ${command} ${command_arguments}
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  • abbr:tldr:a4f70 abbr: Rename an existing abbreviation.
    $ abbr --rename ${old_name} ${new_name}
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tool overview