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ack: Search for lines matching a pattern, printing [o]nly the matched text and not the rest of the line.
$ ack -o "${search_pattern}"
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The command ack -o "${search_pattern}" is used to search for a specific pattern within files using the ack tool and display only the matching part of the line.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • ack: It is a tool used for searching text within files, similar to the traditional grep command. The main difference is that ack is optimized for searching source code files and skips searching binary files by default.
  • -o: This is an option for ack that tells it to only output the matching part of each line that contains the search pattern. In other words, it will only display the actual pattern that is being searched for, rather than printing the entire line where the pattern is found.
  • "${search_pattern}": This is a placeholder for the specific pattern you want to search for. It could be a word, phrase, or regular expression that represents the text you are looking for. You would replace ${search_pattern} with your actual search pattern enclosed in double quotes.

For example, if you want to search for the word "example" within files and only display the matching instances of "example" rather than the full line, you would run: ack -o "example". This command would search for "example" in the files and show only the occurrences of "example".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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