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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ack. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ack is designed as a replacement for 99% of the uses of grep.

Ack searches the named input FILEs (or standard input if no files are named, or the file name - is given) for lines containing a match to the given PATTERN . By default, ack prints the matching lines.

Ack can also list files that would be searched, without actually searching them, to let you take advantage of ack's file-type filtering capabilities.

List of commands for ack:

  • ack:tldr:01f58 ack: Search for a case-insensitive pattern.
    $ ack --ignore-case "${search_pattern}"
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  • ack:tldr:54cce ack: Limit search to files of a specific type.
    $ ack --type=${ruby} "${search_pattern}"
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  • ack:tldr:5bc07 ack: Count the total number of matches found.
    $ ack --count --no-filename "${search_pattern}"
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  • ack:tldr:67d38 ack: Search for lines matching a pattern, printing [o]nly the matched text and not the rest of the line.
    $ ack -o "${search_pattern}"
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  • ack:tldr:8b700 ack: Search for files containing a string or regular expression in the current directory recursively.
    $ ack "${search_pattern}"
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  • ack:tldr:b371b ack: List all the values that can be used with `--type`.
    $ ack --help-types
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  • ack:tldr:d1d77 ack: Print the file names and the number of matches for each file only.
    $ ack --count --files-with-matches "${search_pattern}"
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  • ack:tldr:f07e0 ack: Do not search in files of a specific type.
    $ ack --type=no${ruby} "${search_pattern}"
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