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ack: List all the values that can be used with `--type`.
$ ack --help-types
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The command "ack --help-types" is used to display a list of file types that can be searched by the "ack" command.

"ack" is a powerful command-line tool used for searching text patterns in files. It is mainly designed as a replacement for the traditional "grep" command, with enhanced features and capabilities.

When you run the "ack --help-types" command, it will show a list of supported file types that "ack" can search. This is helpful because "ack" can be specifically instructed to search only certain types of files, saving time and providing more accurate results.

The results of the "ack --help-types" command will typically be presented as a list of file extensions, such as .txt, .csv, .java, .py, etc. These extensions represent various file formats that "ack" can search within.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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