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List of commands for adb:

  • adb:ai:061e6 Why is the nvram command missing on my android device?
    $ adb shell nvram
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  • adb:ai:591d7 This command lists all connected Android devices along with their device IDs
    $ adb devices -l
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  • adb:tldr:066e3 adb: Check whether the adb server process is running and start it.
    $ adb start-server
    try on your machine
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  • adb:tldr:44eb4 adb: Copy a file/directory to the target device.
    $ adb push ${path-to-local_file_or_directory} ${path-to-device_destination_directory}
    try on your machine
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  • adb:tldr:9dc74 adb: Terminate the adb server process.
    $ adb kill-server
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  • adb:tldr:ce065 adb: Copy a file/directory from the target device.
    $ adb pull ${path-to-device_file_or_directory} ${path-to-local_destination_directory}
    try on your machine
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  • adb:tldr:ebac5 adb: Get a list of connected devices.
    $ adb devices
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