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airpaste: Send text.
$ echo ${text} | airpaste
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This command uses the echo command to print the value of the ${text} variable, and then pipes (|) this output to the airpaste command.

The echo command is used to print text or the contents of a variable to the terminal. In this case, the ${text} variable is used, which should hold some value or text that you want to display.

The airpaste command is a utility that allows you to easily share terminal output over the network. It creates a temporary server and generates a unique URL that other people can use to view the output in their web browser.

So combining both commands, this command prints the value of ${text} and shares it via the airpaste command in real-time, allowing others to access the output through the provided URL.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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