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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool echo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


echo command in linux is used to display line of text/string that are passed as an argument . This is a built in command that is mostly used in shell scripts and batch files to output status text to the screen or a file.

List of commands for echo:

  • airpaste:tldr:c5ba5 airpaste: Send text.
    $ echo ${text} | airpaste
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  • ajson:tldr:1a341 ajson: Read some simple JSON and calculate a value.
    $ echo '${3}' | ajson '${2 * pi * $}'
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  • alex:tldr:0145b alex: Analyze text from `stdin`.
    $ echo ${His network looks good} | alex --stdin
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  • argon2:tldr:04c95 argon2: Display the output hash without additional information.
    $ echo "${password}" | argon2 "${salt_text}" -e
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  • argon2:tldr:08fd0 argon2: Calculate a hash with a password and a salt with the default parameters.
    $ echo "${password}" | argon2 "${salt_text}"
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  • argon2:tldr:e0f7c argon2: Calculate a hash with the specified algorithm.
    $ echo "${password}" | argon2 "${salt_text}" -${select}
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  • argon2:tldr:e47c5 argon2: Calculate a hash with given iteration [t]imes, [m]emory usage, and [p]arallelism parameters.
    $ echo "${password}" | argon2 "${salt_text}" -t ${5} -m ${20} -p ${7}
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  • at:tldr:87c5c at: Display a system notification at 11pm on February 18th.
    $ echo "notify-send '${Wake up!}'" | at ${11pm} ${Feb 18}
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  • at:tldr:b0993 at: Execute a command from standard input at 10:00 AM today.
    $ echo "${--make_db_backup-sh}" | at 1000
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  • base64:tldr:56bcc base64: Encode from `stdin`.
    $ echo -n "${plain_text}" | base64
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  • base64:tldr:cb892 base64: Decode from `stdin`.
    $ echo -n ${base64_text} | base64 --decode
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  • batch:tldr:12406 batch: Execute a command from standard input.
    $ echo "${--make_db_backup-sh}" | batch
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  • bb:tldr:cee23 bb: Bind input to a sequence of EDN(Extensible Data Notation) values from stdin.
    $ echo "{:key 'val}" | bb -I "(:key (first *input*))"
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  • bc:tldr:22321 bc: Calculate an expression.
    $ echo '${5 - 3}' | bc
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  • bc:tldr:5c8e0 bc: Calculate an expression with the specified scale.
    $ echo 'scale = ${10}; ${5 - 3}' | bc
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  • bc:tldr:7e4fd bc: Calculate a sine/cosine/arctangent/natural logarithm/exponential function using `mathlib`.
    $ echo '${select}(${1})' | bc --mathlib
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  • boxes:tldr:00eeb boxes: Draw a box around a string.
    $ echo "${string}" | boxes
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  • boxes:tldr:46d38 boxes: Remove a box from a string.
    $ echo "${string}" | boxes -r
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  • boxes:tldr:711d2 boxes: Draw a box with a specific design around a string.
    $ echo "${string}" | boxes -d ${parchment}
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  • boxes:tldr:7af50 boxes: Draw a box with a width of 10 and a height of 5.
    $ echo "${string}" | boxes -s ${10}x${5}
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  • boxes:tldr:d82d5 boxes: Draw a box with centered text.
    $ echo "${string}" | boxes -a c
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  • circo:tldr:d8410 circo: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | circo -T ${gif} > ${path-to-image-gif}
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  • clip:tldr:d73b5 clip: Copy text without a trailing newline to the Windows clipboard.
    $ echo | set /p="some text" | clip
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  • clip:tldr:fc755 clip: Copy text with a trailing newline to the Windows clipboard.
    $ echo ${some text} | clip
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  • coproc:tldr:4537d coproc: Write to a specific coprocess `stdin`.
    $ echo "${input}" >&"$${{name}[1]}"
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  • cowsay:tldr:a61fb cowsay: Print an ASCII cow saying text from `stdin`.
    $ echo "${hello, world}" | cowsay
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  • cpio:tldr:cd79b cpio: Take a list of file names from standard input and add them [o]nto an archive in cpio's binary format.
    $ echo "${file1} ${file2} ${file3}" | cpio -o > ${archive-cpio}
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  • datamash:tldr:6ae61 datamash: Get the mean of a single column of numbers with a given decimal precision.
    $ echo -e '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n5' | datamash -R ${number_of_decimals_wanted} mean 1
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  • datamash:tldr:c136a datamash: Get the mean of a single column of float numbers (floats must use "," and not ".").
    $ echo -e '1.0\n2.5\n3.1\n4.3\n5.6\n5.7' | tr '.' ',' | datamash mean 1
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  • datamash:tldr:db2f2 datamash: Get the mean of a single column of numbers ignoring "Na" and "NaN" (literal) strings.
    $ echo -e '1\n2\nNa\n3\nNaN' | datamash --narm mean 1
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  • dmenu:tldr:4a007 dmenu: Display a menu with custom items separated by a new line (`\n`).
    $ echo -e "${red}\n${green}\n${blue}" | dmenu
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  • dmenu:tldr:9c4a9 dmenu: Let the user choose between multiple items and save the selected one to a file.
    $ echo -e "${red}\n${green}\n${blue}" | dmenu > ${color-txt}
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  • docker:tldr:6871c docker: Log into a registry with password from `stdin`.
    $ echo "${password}" | docker login --username ${username} --password-stdin
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  • dot:tldr:d1dba dot: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | dot -T ${gif} > ${path-to-image-gif}
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  • echo:tldr:04010 echo: Print a text message. Note: quotes are optional.
    $ echo "${Hello World}"
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  • echo:tldr:07833 echo: Append a message to the file.
    $ echo "${Hello World}" >> ${file-txt}
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  • echo:tldr:54c46 echo: Print a message without the trailing newline.
    $ echo -n "${Hello World}"
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  • echo:tldr:635e5 echo: Enable interpretation of backslash escapes (special characters).
    $ echo -e "${Column 1\tColumn 2}"
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  • envsubst:tldr:db1ea envsubst: Replace environment variables in `stdin` and output to `stdout`.
    $ echo '${$HOME}' | envsubst
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  • factor:tldr:78dfc factor: Take the input from `stdin` if no argument is specified.
    $ echo ${number} | factor
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  • fakedata:tldr:1b1e7 fakedata: Generate data using a custom output template (the first letter of generator names must be capitalized).
    $ echo "${\{\{Generator\}\}}" | fakedata
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  • fdp:tldr:8ec73 fdp: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | fdp -T gif > ${path-to-image-gif}
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  • gh-auth:tldr:65465 gh-auth: Log in with a token from standard input (created in
    $ echo ${your_token} | gh auth login --with-token
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  • gh-workflow:tldr:49e0d gh-workflow: Run a manual workflow using a specific branch or tag with JSON parameters from `stdin`.
    $ echo '${{"param1": "value1", "param2": "value2", ---}}' | gh workflow run ${select} --ref ${select1}
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  • git-credential:tldr:1b66a git-credential: Send credential information to all configured credential helpers to store for later use.
    $ echo "${url=http:--example-com}" | git credential approve
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  • git-credential:tldr:2ad09 git-credential: Erase the specified credential information from all the configured credential helpers.
    $ echo "${url=http:--example-com}" | git credential reject
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  • git-credential:tldr:f9cf3 git-credential: Display credential information, retrieving the username and password from configuration files.
    $ echo "${url=http:--example-com}" | git credential fill
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  • init Initialize forrest and create helping aliases.
    $ echo 'alias how="forrest run how"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
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  • json5:tldr:c1037 json5: Convert JSON5 `stdin` to JSON `stdout`.
    $ echo ${input} | json5
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  • keyctl:tldr:750a3 keyctl: Store a key with its value from standard input.
    $ echo -n ${key_value} | keyctl padd ${type_keyring} ${key_name} ${target_keyring}
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  • kitty:tldr:fb973 kitty: Copy the contents of `stdin` to the clipboard.
    $ echo ${example} | kitty +kitten clipboard
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  • linux:alias:create:permanent Create an alias and persist it.
    $ echo 'alias ${alias_name}="${alias_command}"' >> ~/.bash_profile
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  • logger:tldr:47ffc logger: Use a specific tag for every line logged. Default is the name of logged in user.
    $ echo ${log_entry} | logger --tag ${tag}
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  • logger:tldr:690d2 logger: Send the output to a remote syslog server running at a given port. Default port is 514.
    $ echo ${log_entry} | logger --server ${hostname} --port ${port}
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  • logger:tldr:85c14 logger: Log messages with a given priority. Default is `user.notice`. See `man logger` for all priority options.
    $ echo ${log_entry} | logger --priority ${user-warning}
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  • logger:tldr:fcd6c logger: Take input from `stdin` and log to syslog.
    $ echo ${log_entry} | logger
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  • lp:tldr:d22f1 lp: Print the output of a command to the default printer (see `lpstat` command).
    $ echo "test" | lp
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  • mailx:tldr:f36aa mailx: Send mail with content passed from another command.
    $ echo "${content}" | mailx -s "${subject}" ${to_addr}
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  • mlr:tldr:8d85c mlr: Receive JSON and format the output as vertical JSON.
    $ echo '{"hello":"world", "foo":"bar"}' | mlr --ijson --ojson --jvstack cat
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  • mlr:tldr:b88a4 mlr: Receive JSON data and pretty print the output.
    $ echo '{"hello":"world"}' | mlr --ijson --opprint cat
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  • msg:tldr:85824 msg: Send a message from `stdin`.
    $ echo "${message}" | msg ${select}
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  • msmtp:tldr:02c2c msmtp: Send an email without a configured account. The password should be specified in the `~/.msmtprc` file.
    $ echo "${Hello world}" | msmtp --host=${localhost} --port=${999} --from=${from@example-org} ${to@example-org}
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  • msmtp:tldr:44299 msmtp: Send an email using the default account configured in `~/.msmtprc`.
    $ echo "${Hello world}" | msmtp ${to@example-org}
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  • msmtp:tldr:61c70 msmtp: Send an email using a specific account configured in `~/.msmtprc`.
    $ echo "${Hello world}" | msmtp --account=${account_name} ${to@example-org}
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  • nc:tldr:9a1f1 nc: Send a HTTP request.
    $ echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\nHost: ${hostname}\n\n" | nc ${hostname} 80
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  • newsboat:tldr:2f790 newsboat: Alternatively, add feeds manually.
    $ echo ${http:--example-com-path-to-feed} >> "${HOME}/.newsboat/urls"
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  • nms:tldr:775d0 nms: Decrypt text after a keystroke.
    $ echo "${Hello, World!}" | nms
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  • nologin:tldr:bc69e nologin: Customize message for users with the login shell of `nologin`.
    $ echo "${declined_login_message}" > /etc/nologin.txt
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  • osage:tldr:09fe8 osage: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | osage -T ${gif} > ${path-to-image-gif}
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  • patchwork:tldr:88855 patchwork: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | patchwork -T ${gif} > ${path-to-image-gif}
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  • pretty-bytes:tldr:37bf2 pretty-bytes: Convert numeric bytes value from `stdin` to a human-readable string.
    $ echo ${1337} | pretty-bytes
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  • prqlc:tldr:36c85 prqlc: Compile a query.
    $ echo "${select}" | prqlc compile
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  • qr:tldr:0a89c qr: Specify the error correction level (defaults to M).
    $ echo "${data}" | qr --error-correction=${select}
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  • qr:tldr:afbe8 qr: Generate a QR code.
    $ echo "${data}" | qr
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  • qrencode:tldr:be5b6 qrencode: Convert input from pipe to a QR code and print it in terminal.
    $ echo ${string} | qrencode -t ansiutf8
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  • rev:tldr:80c0d rev: Reverse the text string "hello".
    $ echo "hello" | rev
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  • secrethub:tldr:aaad6 secrethub: Store a value supplied on `stdin` as a new or updated secret.
    $ echo "${secret_value}" | secrethub write ${path-to-secret}
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  • sfdp:tldr:76dae sfdp: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | sfdp -T ${gif} > ${path-to-image-gif}
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  • shell:warp:49dd1 Get number of elements in an array
    $ echo ${#${array_name}[@]}
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  • shell:warp:efc39 Get a value from an array
    $ echo $${{array_name}[${index}]}
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  • sxiv:tldr:65dc5 sxiv: Open a newline-separated list of images, reading filenames from standard input.
    $ echo ${filename} | sxiv -i
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  • tee:tldr:467d4 tee: Create a directory called "example", count the number of characters in "example" and write "example" to the terminal.
    $ echo "example" | tee >(xargs mkdir) >(wc -c)
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  • tee:tldr:a8aa3 tee: Append to the given files, do not overwrite.
    $ echo "example" | tee -a ${filename}
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  • tee:tldr:bb6c9 tee: Print standard input to the terminal, and also pipe it into another program for further processing.
    $ echo "example" | tee ${-dev-tty} | ${xargs printf "[%s]"}
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  • tee:tldr:ff914 tee: Copy standard input to each file, and also to standard output.
    $ echo "example" | tee ${filename}
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  • tr:tldr:3b86a tr: Replace all occurrences of a character from another command's output.
    $ echo ${text} | tr ${find_character} ${replace_character}
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  • tsort:tldr:1a8f7 tsort: Perform a topological sort consistent on strings.
    $ echo -e "${UI Backend\nBackend Database\nDocs UI}" | tsort
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  • twopi:tldr:a40cc twopi: Render a `gif` image using `stdin` and `stdout`.
    $ echo "${digraph {this -> that} }" | twopi -T ${gif} > ${path-to-image-gif}
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  • vegeta:tldr:4ec98 vegeta: Launch an attack on a server with a self-signed HTTPS certificate.
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -insecure -duration=${30s}
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  • vegeta:tldr:72a7c vegeta: Launch an attack lasting 30 seconds.
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s}
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  • vegeta:tldr:a4a8b vegeta: Launch an attack and plot the results on a graph (latency over time).
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s} | vegeta plot > ${path-to-results-html}
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  • vegeta:tldr:b197c vegeta: Launch an attack and display a report.
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s} | vegeta report
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  • vegeta:tldr:d278b vegeta: Launch an attack with a rate of 10 requests per second.
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s} -rate=${10}
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  • xclip:tldr:78260 xclip: Copy the output from a command to the system clipboard, using short notation.
    $ echo 123 | xclip -sel clip
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  • xclip:tldr:a79c7 xclip: Copy the output from a command to the X11 primary selection area (clipboard).
    $ echo 123 | xclip
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  • xclip:tldr:f7920 xclip: Copy the output from a command to a given X11 selection area.
    $ echo 123 | xclip -selection ${select}
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  • xe:tldr:0e0a8 xe: Execute a shellscript, joining every `N` lines into a single call.
    $ echo -e 'a\nb' | xe -N${2} -s 'echo $2 $1'
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  • xml-escape:tldr:780be xml-escape: Escape special XML characters from `stdin`.
    $ echo "${}" | xml escape
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  • xml-unescape:tldr:2f5e8 xml-unescape: Unescape special XML characters from `stdin`.
    $ echo "${<a1>}" | xml unescape
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  • xsel:tldr:43bbf xsel: Use a command's output as input of the clip[b]oard (equivalent to `Ctrl + C`).
    $ echo 123 | xsel -ib
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  • yacas:tldr:7a46f yacas: Execute and print the result of one statement, then exit.
    $ echo "${Echo( Deriv(x)Cos(1-x) );}" | yacas -p -c /dev/stdin
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