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ajson: Read some simple JSON and calculate a value.
$ echo '${3}' | ajson '${2 * pi * $}'
try on your machine

This command is written in a Unix or Linux shell and involves two commands connected by a pipe symbol ("|").

The first command, echo '${3}', is using the echo command to output the string '${3}'. The single quotes around '${3}' prevent the shell from interpreting any variables or special characters inside the string.

The output of the echo '${3}' command is then redirected using the pipe symbol to the second command, ajson '${2 * pi * $}'.

The ajson command is likely a custom or third-party command, so its specific functionality may not be known without further context. However, based on the provided command, it appears to be a command that processes JSON data.

The argument passed to ajson is '${2 pi $}'. In this context, '$' is likely a placeholder for some value, and it is being used in an expression involving multiplying a value, '2 * pi', with whatever '$' represents.

Overall, this command is echoing the string '${3}', and then passing the resulting output as an argument to the ajson command with the expression '${2 pi $}'.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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