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alacritty: Open a new Alacritty window.
$ alacritty
try on your machine

Alacritty is a command-line terminal emulator that is designed for speed and performance. It is known for its minimalistic and efficient design, making it a popular choice for users who value speed and responsiveness in a terminal emulator.

When you execute the "alacritty" command in your terminal, it launches the Alacritty application, providing you with a new terminal window to interact with. This window will have all the standard features and functionalities of a terminal emulator, such as executing commands, running scripts, and managing files.

Alacritty's distinguishing factor is its focus on performance. It is built using the GPU for rendering, taking advantage of hardware acceleration to achieve smooth scrolling and reduced input latency. This makes it noticeably faster and more responsive compared to many other terminal emulators.

Additionally, Alacritty strives for simplicity and customization. Most of its configuration is done through a simple YAML file, allowing users to tweak various aspects of the terminal's appearance and behavior to suit their preferences.

In summary, the "alacritty" command launches the Alacritty terminal emulator, giving you a fast, efficient, and customizable command-line interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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