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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool alacritty. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Alacritty is a popular open-source command line tool primarily designed for performance and simplicity. It is a terminal emulator that aims to provide a fast and efficient experience while using the command line interface.

Here are some key features of Alacritty:

  1. Speed: Alacritty is built with a strong focus on performance. It takes full advantage of modern GPU hardware acceleration and avoids unnecessary features that can impact speed and responsiveness.

  2. Minimalistic design: Alacritty has a clean and minimal user interface, avoiding extraneous decorations or unnecessary features. This simplicity allows for a lightweight and efficient terminal emulator.

  3. Customizability: Although Alacritty focuses on simplicity, it still provides a decent amount of customization options. Users can modify colors, fonts, and terminal settings through a simple configuration file.

  4. Cross-platform: Alacritty is developed using cross-platform libraries, which allows it to work on various operating systems like Linux, macOS, and Windows. This makes it highly accessible regardless of the platform you are using.

  5. Low resource usage: Due to its efficient design, Alacritty consumes minimal system resources, making it suitable even for low-end machines. It is able to handle large amounts of text with fast rendering and smooth scrolling.

  6. Compatibility: Alacritty is designed to be compatible with other tools and applications in the command line ecosystem. It supports various standard protocols and can be used with popular terminal multiplexers like tmux.

Alacritty is particularly popular among developers and power users due to its fast performance and simplicity. It is highly extensible and can be integrated into various workflows, making it a preferred choice for those who spend a significant amount of time in the command line interface.

List of commands for alacritty:

  • alacritty:tldr:1367f alacritty: Run with live config reload enabled (can also be enabled by default in `alacritty.yml`).
    $ alacritty --live-config-reload --config-file ${path-to-config-yml}
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  • alacritty:tldr:3e44d alacritty: Run a command in a new Alacritty window.
    $ alacritty -e ${command}
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  • alacritty:tldr:5a425 alacritty: Open a new Alacritty window.
    $ alacritty
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  • alacritty:tldr:8a11e alacritty: Specify alternative configuration file (defaults to `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty.yml`).
    $ alacritty --config-file ${path-to-config-yml}
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  • alacritty:tldr:a72ca alacritty: Run in a specific directory.
    $ alacritty --working-directory ${path-to-directory}
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tool overview