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amass-db: List all found subdomains of a domain within an enumeration.
$ amass db -dir ${path-to-database_directory} -d ${domain_name} -enum ${index_from_list} -names
try on your machine

This command is using the Amass tool to utilize its database functionality, specifically for enumeration and gathering information about a specific domain.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its various flags:

  • amass : This is the command used to invoke the Amass tool.

  • db : This flag tells Amass to use its database feature.

  • -dir ${path-to-database_directory} : This flag specifies the path to the directory where the Amass database is located. The variable ${path-to-database_directory} should be replaced with the actual path on the system.

  • -d ${domain_name} : This flag is used to specify the target domain for which you want to perform enumeration and data collection. The variable ${domain_name} should be replaced with the actual domain name you want to target.

  • -enum ${index_from_list} : This flag instructs Amass to start the enumeration process using a specific index from the available data source list. The variable ${index_from_list} should be replaced with the desired index number.

  • -names : Finally, this flag tells Amass to only output discovered names during the enumeration process. It filters the output to display names associated with the domain specified.

Overall, this command is using Amass's database functionality to enumerate and gather information about a specific domain, starting from a specific data source index, and outputting discovered names.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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