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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool amass. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The OWASP Amass Project performs network mapping of attack surfaces and external asset discovery using open source information gathering and active reconnaissance techniques.

List of commands for amass:

  • amass-db:tldr:183a6 amass-db: Show results for a specified enumeration index and domain name.
    $ amass db -dir ${path-to-database_directory} -d ${domain_name} -enum ${index_from_list} -show
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  • amass-db:tldr:26a46 amass-db: List all found subdomains of a domain within an enumeration.
    $ amass db -dir ${path-to-database_directory} -d ${domain_name} -enum ${index_from_list} -names
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  • amass-db:tldr:938ed amass-db: Show a summary of the found subdomains within an enumeration.
    $ amass db -dir ${path-to-database_directory} -d ${domain_name} -enum ${index_from_list} -summary
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  • amass-db:tldr:db487 amass-db: List all performed enumerations in the database.
    $ amass db -dir ${path-to-database_directory} -list
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  • amass-enum:tldr:66d47 amass-enum: Do a brute force search for subdomains.
    $ amass enum -brute -d ${domain_name}
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  • amass-enum:tldr:7ab56 amass-enum: Save the results to a text file.
    $ amass enum -o ${output_file} -d ${domain_name}
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  • amass-enum:tldr:a460f amass-enum: Find subdomains of a domain and actively verify them attempting to resolve the found subdomains.
    $ amass enum -active -d ${domain_name} -p ${80,443,8080}
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  • amass-enum:tldr:c517e amass-enum: Save the results to a database.
    $ amass enum -o ${output_file} -dir ${path-to-database_directory}
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  • amass-enum:tldr:c74a0 amass-enum: Passively find subdomains of a domain.
    $ amass enum -passive -d ${domain_name}
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  • amass-intel:tldr:2f7af amass-intel: Use active recon methods.
    $ amass intel -active -addr ${192-168-0-1-254}
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  • amass-intel:tldr:7f05e amass-intel: Find root domains belonging to a given Autonomous System Number.
    $ amass intel -asn ${asn}
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  • amass-intel:tldr:8a051 amass-intel: Save results to a text file.
    $ amass intel -o ${output_file} -whois -d ${domain_name}
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  • amass-intel:tldr:8fcb3 amass-intel: Find root domains in an IP address range.
    $ amass intel -addr ${192-168-0-1-254}
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  • amass-intel:tldr:a6d2a amass-intel: Find ASNs belonging to an organisation.
    $ amass intel -org ${organisation_name}
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  • amass-intel:tldr:ee9af amass-intel: Find root domains related to a domain.
    $ amass intel -whois -d ${domain_name}
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  • amass-track:tldr:22a15 amass-track: Show the difference between a certain point in time and the last enumeration.
    $ amass track -dir ${path-to-database_directory} -d ${domain_name} -since ${01-02 15:04:05 2006 MST}
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  • amass-track:tldr:e8792 amass-track: Show the difference between the last two enumerations of the specified domain.
    $ amass track -dir ${path-to-database_directory} -d ${domain_name} -last 2
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  • amass-viz:tldr:45cf2 amass-viz: Generate a Maltego CSV file based on database data.
    $ amass viz -maltego -dir ${path-to-database_directory}
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  • amass-viz:tldr:4d654 amass-viz: Generate a Graphistry JSON file based on database data.
    $ amass viz -graphistry -dir ${path-to-database_directory}
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  • amass-viz:tldr:4ffa1 amass-viz: Generate a DOT file based on database data.
    $ amass viz -dot -dir ${path-to-database_directory}
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  • amass-viz:tldr:80641 amass-viz: Generate a D3.js visualization based on database data.
    $ amass viz -d3 -dir ${path-to-database_directory}
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  • amass-viz:tldr:dc6de amass-viz: Generate a Gephi Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF) file based on database data.
    $ amass viz -gexf -dir ${path-to-database_directory}
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  • amass:tldr:b0c17 amass: Display version.
    $ amass -version
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  • amass:tldr:be8b1 amass: Show help on an Amass subcommand (like `intel`, `enum`, etc.).
    $ amass -help ${subcommand}
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  • amass:tldr:f9584 amass: Execute an Amass subcommand.
    $ amass ${subcommand}
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  • amass:tldr:fc699 amass: Show general help.
    $ amass -help
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tool overview