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amass-intel: Use active recon methods.
$ amass intel -active -addr ${192-168-0-1-254}
try on your machine

The command "amass intel -active -addr ${192-168-0-1-254}" is a command used in the amass tool for gathering intelligence on a specific range of IP addresses.

Let's break it down:

  1. "amass" is the name of the tool that is being used.
  2. "intel" is a subcommand of the amass tool, used for intelligence gathering.
  3. "-active" is a flag or option that instructs the tool to perform active intelligence gathering techniques such as DNS resolution, HTTP requests, and others.
  4. "-addr" is another flag or option that specifies that we want to provide a range of IP addresses to gather intelligence on.
  5. "${192-168-0-1-254}" is the range of IP addresses specified using variable syntax. Here, it represents the range from to, which covers all possible IP addresses in that range.

So, the command is essentially telling the amass tool to actively gather intelligence on all IP addresses in the range from to The tool will perform various techniques to gather information like DNS records, discovered subdomains, and more related to those IP addresses.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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