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amass-intel: Save results to a text file.
$ amass intel -o ${output_file} -whois -d ${domain_name}
try on your machine

The command is using the tool "amass" to gather intelligence information about a specific domain.

Here's the breakdown of each element:

  • amass: A command-line tool used for enumeration and intelligence gathering of domain names.
  • intel: A parameter that signifies we want to gather intelligence on a domain.
  • -o ${output_file}: This option specifies the output file where the gathered information will be saved. ${output_file} is a placeholder for the actual file name or path. For example, you can replace ${output_file} with /path/to/output.txt to define the output file explicitly.
  • -whois: A flag that tells amass to include WHOIS information in the gathered data. WHOIS provides domain registration details.
  • -d ${domain_name}: This option indicates the target domain name you want to gather intelligence on. ${domain_name} is a placeholder for the actual domain name. Replace it with the domain name you're interested in, for instance,

To summarize, the command utilizes amass to fetch intelligence information about a domain. It includes WHOIS details and saves the gathered data to the specified output file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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