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amass-viz: Generate a D3.js visualization based on database data.
$ amass viz -d3 -dir ${path-to-database_directory}
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The command "amass viz -d3 -dir ${path-to-database_directory}" is used to generate a visual representation of the network mapping and data collected by the Amass tool.

Here is a breakdown of each component in the command:

  • "amass viz": This specifies that we want to use the "viz" (visualization) feature of the Amass tool.
  • "-d3": This option tells Amass to use the D3.js library to generate the visualization. D3.js is a JavaScript library commonly used for creating dynamic and interactive data visualizations in web browsers.
  • "-dir ${path-to-database_directory}": This option specifies the path to the directory where the Amass database is located. The database contains the collected data and network mapping information. This is required as input for the visualization process.

Overall, this command runs Amass in visualization mode using the D3.js library and specifies the location of the Amass database. The result would be a visual representation of the network mapping and data collected by the tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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