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ant: Build a project with default build file `build.xml`.
$ ant
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The "ant" command is a build tool command used in software development to compile and build Java projects. It is primarily used with Apache Ant, a widely popular build automation tool for Java projects.

When you run the "ant" command in the command line, it looks for an "build.xml" file in the current directory which contains the build instructions and configurations for the project. This file specifies targets, tasks, and dependencies that are necessary for the build process.

The "ant" command reads the "build.xml" file and executes the specified targets. These targets can include actions like compiling source code, running unit tests, creating JAR or WAR files, packaging the project, deploying it, and more. The build process can be highly customized by modifying the build.xml file.

Overall, the "ant" command is used to automate the build process for Java projects, making it easier and quicker to compile, test, and package the project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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