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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ant. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Ant is a command line tool primarily used for building Java-based software projects. It stands for Apache Ant, where Apache refers to the Apache Software Foundation, which developed and maintains Ant.

Ant is similar to tools like Make or Maven but is specifically designed for Java projects. It uses XML-based build scripts to define a set of tasks that need to be executed to build, test, and deploy Java applications.

Some key features and benefits of Ant include:

  1. Platform independence: Ant can run on any operating system that supports Java, making it highly flexible and compatible across different environments.
  2. Task-based architecture: Ant is based on the concept of tasks, where each task represents a specific operation or action, such as compiling source code or packaging the application into a JAR file. Users can define their own custom tasks or use pre-built tasks provided by Ant.
  3. Build automation: Ant automates the process of building Java applications, allowing developers to define the entire build process in a single build.xml file. This helps in simplifying the build process and ensuring consistency across development environments.
  4. Dependency management: Ant supports external dependencies and can automatically download required libraries or dependencies from remote repositories. This makes it easier to manage project dependencies and keep them up to date.
  5. Test execution: Ant includes built-in support for executing tests, generating reports, and managing test suites. It integrates well with popular testing frameworks like JUnit, making it easy to execute test cases and generate test reports as part of the build process.
  6. Extensibility: Ant allows users to define custom tasks, which can be written in Java or any other scripting language. This extensibility enables developers to customize Ant to fit their specific project requirements.

Overall, Ant is a versatile and powerful command line tool widely used in the Java ecosystem for managing and automating the build process of software projects.

List of commands for ant:

  • ant:tldr:44828 ant: Execute all targets that do not depend on fail target(s).
    $ ant -k
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • ant:tldr:63b07 ant: Build a project with default build file `build.xml`.
    $ ant
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • ant:tldr:87664 ant: Print information on possible targets for this project.
    $ ant -p
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • ant:tldr:a4f53 ant: Build a project using build file other than `build.xml`.
    $ ant -f ${buildfile-xml}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • ant:tldr:cbb73 ant: Print debugging information.
    $ ant -d
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview