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ant: Build a project using build file other than `build.xml`.
$ ant -f ${buildfile-xml}
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This command runs the Apache Ant build tool with a specified build file. Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • ant: This is the command used to run the Apache Ant build tool. Ant is a popular Java-based build automation tool.
  • -f ${buildfile-xml}: This is an option to specify the build file to be executed by Ant. The ${buildfile-xml} represents a variable that holds the name of the build file, in this case, buildfile.xml. The ${buildfile-xml} syntax is used to access the value of the variable. The -f flag is used to indicate that the following argument is the build file name.

So, the command is instructing Ant to execute the build tasks specified in the buildfile.xml file. The ${buildfile-xml} variable's value could be set somewhere else in the script or environment before running this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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