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apropos: Search for pages that contain all the expressions given.
$ apropos ${regular_expression_1} -a ${regular_expression_2} -a ${regular_expression_3}
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The apropos command is used in Linux and Unix systems to search for manual pages that contain keywords or phrases. It helps users find relevant documentation for commands, functions, or topics they are interested in.

In the given command, apropos is combined with multiple options, -a ${regular_expression_1}, -a ${regular_expression_2}, and -a ${regular_expression_3}. Here's an explanation of each part:

  • ${regular_expression_1}: This represents a regular expression pattern that is used to filter the search results. The specific pattern you provide will determine the type of results you receive.

  • -a: This option specifies that the subsequent regular expression is to be ANDed with the previous search patterns. It is used to narrow down the search criteria and find pages that match all given patterns.

  • ${regular_expression_2}: This represents the second regular expression pattern that will be ANDed with the previous search patterns.

  • ${regular_expression_3}: This represents the third regular expression pattern that will be ANDed with the previous search patterns.

By using multiple -a options followed by regular expression patterns, the command will search for manual pages that match all the provided patterns, applying the AND logic between them. This helps to find more specific and targeted results based on combinations of search criteria.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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