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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool apropos. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The apropos command line tool is used to search the manual page descriptions for keywords or expressions related to a specific topic. When a certain command or concept is not known, apropos helps identify relevant commands and manuals that may provide the necessary information.

By running the apropos command followed by a search query, the tool will scan the various manual pages and display a list of commands, functions, or topics that match the given query. The search is primarily performed on the name and short description sections of the manual pages.

apropos is a handy utility for quickly finding relevant manual pages and commands without having to know the exact command name or terminology associated with a particular concept. It assists users in narrowing down their search and discovering related documentation for further exploration.

List of commands for apropos:

  • apropos:tldr:6699b apropos: Search for pages that contain all the expressions given.
    $ apropos ${regular_expression_1} -a ${regular_expression_2} -a ${regular_expression_3}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • apropos:tldr:dd548 apropos: Search without restricting the output to the terminal width.
    $ apropos -l ${regular_expression}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview