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apx: Search for specific packages.
$ apx search ${package1 package2 ---}
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The command "apx search ${package1 package2 ---}" is incomplete and does not provide enough information to fully understand its purpose. However, it appears to be utilizing the "apx search" command, likely within a context of some software package manager or administration tool.

The "apx search" command is typically used to search for packages or applications within a package management system. It allows users to find available software packages based on specific keywords or criteria.

In this case, the command is utilizing a variable or placeholder "${package1 package2 ---}" which suggests that it expects multiple package names to be provided. The "---" part is less clear and may indicate some specific syntax or convention used within the package management system.

Without further context or the complete command syntax, it is difficult to provide a more precise explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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