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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool apx. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


APX is a command line tool designed for interacting and managing Apache configuration files. It provides a straightforward interface for editing and maintaining the various settings and directives within Apache configuration files.

One of the core features of APX is its ability to parse and validate Apache configuration files. This ensures that the syntax is correct and helps to identify any potential issues before applying the changes.

APX offers a range of commands for adding, modifying, and deleting directives within configuration files. These commands make it easy to update settings such as virtual hosts, SSL certificates, and access control rules.

The tool also allows for the management of multiple Apache configurations, making it convenient for system administrators who work with different environments or multiple servers.

APX provides a safe editing environment by creating a backup of the original configuration files before making any changes. This allows for easy rollback in case of any errors or unintended consequences.

It offers an interactive mode that enables users to modify configuration files in real-time, guided by prompts and suggestions.

APX supports various Apache configuration formats, including the standard httpd.conf file as well as separate files for virtual hosts, SSL configurations, and more.

The tool allows for searching and filtering directives within configuration files, making it faster and easier to locate specific settings.

APX eliminates the need to manually edit configuration files, reducing the chances of making mistakes and improving overall efficiency.

Furthermore, APX provides comprehensive documentation and usage examples to assist users in getting started and making the most of its features.

List of commands for apx:

  • apx:tldr:093c2 apx: Search for specific packages.
    $ apx search ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • apx:tldr:66181 apx: Upgrade all installed packages in the container to their newest available version.
    $ apx upgrade
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  • apx:tldr:7b5de apx: Install specific packages in the container.
    $ apx install ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • apx:tldr:9cae2 apx: Update the list of available packages in the container.
    $ apx update
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  • apx:tldr:a5a0c apx: Remove specific packages from the container.
    $ apx remove ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • apx:tldr:d1a57 apx: Enter the managed container shell to execute commands (type `exit` to exit the container).
    $ apx enter
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  • apx:tldr:d3a81 apx: Install a DEB/RPM package inside the container (Use `--dnf` flag for installing RPMs).
    $ apx install --sideload ${path-to-package}
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  • apx:tldr:ea4fb apx: Initialize or reinitialize a specific container.
    $ apx init
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tool overview