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apx: Install specific packages in the container.
$ apx install ${package1 package2 ---}
try on your machine

The command "apx install ${package1 package2 ---}" is not a valid command.

However, I can explain the parts of the command so that you can understand their meanings individually:

  • "apx" refers to a specific program or utility. It could be an abbreviation for something, but without more context, it is unclear what it represents exactly.

  • "install" is a command or subcommand within the "apx" program. It suggests that the user wants to install something using this program.

  • "${package1 package2 ---}" appears to be a placeholder for one or more package names. The syntax "${}" typically indicates a variable or parameter in command-line or scripting languages. In this case, "package1" and "package2" represent the names of packages to be installed. The "---" may indicate that additional package names can be listed after it.

However, it's important to note that the command as written is not valid, so its intended functionality is uncertain. The proper usage and syntax would depend on the specific tool or program being used (e.g., "apx") and the package management system it supports.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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