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apx: Remove specific packages from the container.
$ apx remove ${package1 package2 ---}
try on your machine

The command "apx remove ${package1 package2 ---}" is not a valid command syntax. It seems to be incomplete or may contain typing errors. In general, the "apx" command is used to interact with the Alpine Package Manager (APK) in Alpine Linux distributions.

However, based on the provided command, it appears to be an attempt to remove one or more packages using the APK package manager. The "${package1 package2 ---}" part of the command suggests that you would replace "${package1 package2 ---}" with the names of the packages you want to remove, separated by a space (e.g., "apx remove package1 package2"). The "---" characters seem to be unintentional or may indicate a missing value or argument.

In summary, the exact meaning and functionality of this command cannot be determined without additional context and clarification.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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