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apx: Initialize or reinitialize a specific container.
$ apx init
try on your machine

The command "apx init" is a command-line command that is used to initialize a new project using the APX (Application Package eXtensions) framework.

APX is a framework that allows developers to create and package applications for different platforms, such as web, mobile, and desktop, using a single codebase. The "apx init" command is the first step in setting up a new project using this framework.

When you run the "apx init" command, it typically creates a new project directory with a basic folder structure and initializes important configuration files. These files include package.json (which contains project metadata and dependencies), apx.config.js (which contains project-specific settings and build configurations), and other necessary files.

Running this command may also prompt you to answer some questions or provide specific project details, such as the project name, version, author, license, and other project-specific configurations. These details will be used to set up the project with the provided information.

Overall, the "apx init" command is used to initialize a new project using the APX framework, setting up the necessary files and configurations to get started building an application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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