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archlinux-java: List installed Java environments.
$ archlinux-java status
try on your machine

The command archlinux-java status is used to check the current Java environment on an Arch Linux system.

Arch Linux supports multiple Java versions, and this command displays the currently active Java environment.

When you install multiple Java Development Kits (JDK) or Java Runtime Environments (JRE) on your system, you can use this command to determine which version is set as the default.

Here's what the command does step by step:

  1. archlinux-java: This is the primary command for managing Java environments on an Arch Linux system.
  2. status: This is a sub-command that is used to display the current Java environment.

When you execute archlinux-java status, the command will query the system and provide output like:

Available Java environments:
  java-8-openjdk (default)

This output indicates that you have two available Java environments installed: java-11-openjdk and java-8-openjdk. It also states that java-8-openjdk is currently set as the default.

By providing this information, the command helps you understand which Java version is being utilized by other Java-based applications on your Arch Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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