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argon2: Calculate a hash with given iteration [t]imes, [m]emory usage, and [p]arallelism parameters.
$ echo "${password}" | argon2 "${salt_text}" -t ${5} -m ${20} -p ${7}
try on your machine

This command is using the echo command to pass the value of the "password" variable as input to the argon2 command. Argon2 is a password hashing algorithm used for secure password storage.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • echo "${password}": The value of the "password" variable is echoed, or printed, and passed as input to the argon2 command. The "${password}" is a way to reference the value of the "password" variable in the command.

  • |: The pipe symbol is used to redirect the output of the echo command as input to the argon2 command.

  • argon2: This is the command that performs the password hashing using the argon2 algorithm.

  • "${salt_text}": The value of the "salt_text" variable is used as the salt for the password hashing. A salt is a random value added to the password before hashing to improve security.

  • -t ${5}: This flag specifies the number of iterations (t) that the argon2 algorithm should perform. The value of 5 in this case is being passed as the number of iterations.

  • -m ${20}: This flag specifies the memory cost (m) for the argon2 algorithm. It determines how much memory the algorithm should require, and the value of 20 is being passed as the memory cost.

  • -p ${7}: This flag specifies the parallelism degree (p) for the argon2 algorithm. It determines how many threads the algorithm should use. The value of 7 is being passed as the parallelism degree.

Overall, this command takes a password, a salt, and several configuration parameters, and uses the argon2 algorithm to generate a secure password hash.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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