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aspell: Show available dictionary languages.
$ aspell dicts
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The command "aspell dicts" is used to list all the available dictionaries in Aspell spell checker. Aspell is an open-source spell checking and correction tool that allows checking the spelling of words against various dictionaries.

When you run the command "aspell dicts" in a terminal or command prompt, it will display a list of dictionaries that are currently installed on your system. These dictionaries are used by Aspell to identify correctly spelled words and suggest corrections for misspelled words.

The output of the command will typically include the language code and the name of the dictionary. For example:

en English fr French de German es Spanish

In the above output, "en" represents English, "fr" represents French, "de" represents German, and "es" represents Spanish. These codes can be used with the "aspell" command to specify the desired dictionary for spellchecking.

By knowing the available dictionaries, you can select the appropriate one based on the language you want to check for spelling and grammar errors.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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