Aspell is a command-line tool used for spell checking text files. It is designed to check the spelling of individual words and suggest corrections. It supports multiple languages and dictionaries, making it suitable for a wide range of users. Aspell uses a simple and efficient algorithm to check for spelling mistakes and highlights them in the output. It also provides suggestions for incorrect words, which can be selected by the user for correction. Aspell has been around for many years and is highly regarded for its accuracy and reliability. It can be easily integrated into various text editing tools, IDEs, and word processors. Aspell is an open-source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License. It offers flexibility in customization, allowing users to add their dictionaries and personal word lists. The user-friendly interface and extensive documentation make it accessible to both experienced programmers and casual users. Overall, Aspell is a powerful and efficient command-line tool for spell checking that combines reliability, ease of use, and flexibility.
List of commands for aspell:
aspell:tldr:470b2 aspell: Spell check a single file.$ aspell check ${filename}try on your machineexplain this command
aspell:tldr:d72ea aspell: Show available dictionary languages.$ aspell dictstry on your machineexplain this command
aspell:tldr:d79ee aspell: Run `aspell` with a different language (takes two-letter ISO 639 language code).$ aspell --lang=${cs}try on your machineexplain this command