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atom: Prevent Atom from forking into the background, keeping Atom attached to the terminal.
$ atom --foreground
try on your machine

The command "atom --foreground" is used to launch the Atom text editor in the foreground instead of the background.

By default, when you launch an application from the command line, it runs in the background so that you can continue using the command line interface. However, when you use the "--foreground" flag, it forces the application to run in the foreground, meaning that it takes control of the command line interface until it is closed or terminated.

In the case of Atom, running it with the "--foreground" flag launches the editor and holds control of the command line, so you won't be able to execute further commands until you close Atom or terminate it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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