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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool atom. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Atom is a popular open-source text editor and source code editor that can be run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It was developed and released by GitHub, a well-known platform for version control and code collaboration.

One of the main features of Atom is its highly customizable interface, allowing users to modify and personalize the editor according to their needs. It supports numerous plugins and themes, which can be installed from its package manager called "apm" (Atom Package Manager). The flexibility provided by Atom makes it suitable for a wide range of programming languages and development tasks.

Atom also offers a variety of useful features, including smart autocompletion, a built-in file browser, multiple panes and split-view editing, integrated version control, and a powerful search and replace functionality. It supports syntax highlighting for a large number of programming languages, ensuring code readability and easier debugging.

Furthermore, Atom supports collaboration through its "Teletype" feature, which enables real-time editing and sharing of code with teammates or colleagues remotely.

Overall, Atom is a versatile command line tool and text editor that offers a rich set of features while maintaining a user-friendly and customizable interface, making it a popular choice among developers and programmers.

List of commands for atom:

  • atom:tldr:265a6 atom: Open a file or directory in an existing window.
    $ atom --add ${filename_or_directory}
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  • atom:tldr:2ce23 atom: Open a file or directory.
    $ atom ${filename_or_directory}
    try on your machine
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  • atom:tldr:49424 atom: Open a file or directory in a new window.
    $ atom -n ${filename_or_directory}
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  • atom:tldr:54027 atom: Wait for Atom window to close before returning (useful for Git commit editor).
    $ atom --wait
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  • atom:tldr:7a48a atom: Prevent Atom from forking into the background, keeping Atom attached to the terminal.
    $ atom --foreground
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  • atom:tldr:b2907 atom: Open Atom in safe mode (does not load any additional packages).
    $ atom --safe
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tool overview