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List of commands for atool:

  • atool:tldr:19b48 atool: List files in a zip archive.
    $ atool --list ${path-to-archive-zip}
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  • atool:tldr:7d8c0 atool: Create a new 7zip archive with two files.
    $ atool --add ${path-to-archive-7z} ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • atool:tldr:aac84 atool: Extract all zip and rar archives in the current directory.
    $ atool --each --extract ${*-zip *-rar}
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  • atool:tldr:e7590 atool: Unpack a tar.gz archive into a new subdirectory (or current directory if it contains only one file).
    $ atool --extract ${path-to-archive-tar-gz}
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