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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool atool. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Atool is a command line tool designed to handle various file archives in Unix-like systems. It supports a wide range of archive formats including tar, gz, bz2, zip, rar, deb, and many others. It provides a convenient way to compress, decompress, extract, view, list, and test archive files.

Using atool, you can easily create new archives by simply specifying the compression format and the target files or directories. It also allows you to update existing archives by adding or removing files.

Atool provides a unified interface for working with different archive formats, allowing users to work with multiple types of archives using a single command. It automatically determines the archive type based on the file extension and applies the appropriate command to handle it.

Another useful feature of atool is its ability to preview the contents of archive files without extracting them. This can be helpful when quickly checking the files contained within an archive.

Furthermore, atool can check the integrity of archive files by running tests to verify the file structure and data integrity. It helps identify and handle corrupted or incomplete archives.

Atool also offers options for extracting specific files or directories from an archive, allowing users to selectively retrieve only the required data.

In addition, atool includes various command line options to customize its behavior, such as specifying alternative output directories, enabling verbose output, preserving file permissions, and more.

Atool is a reliable and versatile tool commonly used by system administrators, developers, and power users who often work with archive files on the command line. It simplifies and automates many common archive-related tasks, making them more efficient and convenient.

List of commands for atool:

  • atool:tldr:19b48 atool: List files in a zip archive.
    $ atool --list ${path-to-archive-zip}
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  • atool:tldr:7d8c0 atool: Create a new 7zip archive with two files.
    $ atool --add ${path-to-archive-7z} ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • atool:tldr:aac84 atool: Extract all zip and rar archives in the current directory.
    $ atool --each --extract ${*-zip *-rar}
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  • atool:tldr:e7590 atool: Unpack a tar.gz archive into a new subdirectory (or current directory if it contains only one file).
    $ atool --extract ${path-to-archive-tar-gz}
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tool overview