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attrib: Display all set attributes of files in the current directory.
$ attrib
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The "attrib" command in Windows is used to view and modify the attributes of files or folders.

Syntax: attrib [+attribute | -attribute] [filename/foldername]

Here are the commonly used attributes with the attrib command:

  • [+attribute]: Adds the specified attribute to the file or folder.
  • [-attribute]: Removes the specified attribute from the file or folder.
  • "R" attribute: Marks the file or folder as Read-only. When this attribute is set, the file/folder can't be deleted, modified, or renamed.
  • "A" attribute: Marks the file or folder as Archive. This attribute is usually set on files that have been modified since they were last backed up.
  • "H" attribute: Marks the file or folder as Hidden. When this attribute is set, the file/folder will not be visible under normal circumstances.
  • "S" attribute: Marks the file or folder as System. This attribute is usually set on files that are necessary for the system to function properly.
  • "I" attribute: Marks the file or folder as Not Content Indexed. This attribute excludes the file/folder from being indexed for faster searching.


  1. To view the attributes of a file or folder: attrib filename/foldername
  2. To set the Read-only attribute on a file: attrib +R filename
  3. To remove the Hidden attribute from a folder: attrib -H foldername
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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