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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool attrib. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The 'attrib' command is a command line tool that stands for "attribute" and is available in various operating systems, including Windows. It allows users to view or modify file or folder attributes within the command prompt.

The 'attrib' command can be used to change several attributes, such as making a file hidden, read-only, or archive protected. It also enables users to remove these attributes from files or folders.

When using the 'attrib' command, users can specify the path or filename of the file they want to modify. They can also include wildcard characters to modify multiple files at once.

The command includes various switches to perform different functions. For example, the '/S' switch allows it to operate on all subdirectories as well. Another switch, '/D', applies the attribute changes to both files and folders in the specified path.

The 'attrib' command is particularly useful in situations where users want to hide files or folders from being seen or modify their properties without the need for a graphical interface.

Overall, the 'attrib' command is a powerful tool for managing file and folder attributes in a command line environment, providing greater flexibility and control over file properties.

List of commands for attrib:

  • attrib:tldr:44c64 attrib: Remove a specific attribute of files or directories.
    $ attrib -${select} ${path\to\file_or_directory1 path\to\file_or_directory2 ---}
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  • attrib:tldr:48fd6 attrib: Display all set attributes of files in a specific directory.
    $ attrib ${path\to\directory}
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  • attrib:tldr:8fce4 attrib: Display all set attributes of files in the current directory.
    $ attrib
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  • attrib:tldr:92345 attrib: Display all set attributes of files in the current directory and [s]ub-directories.
    $ attrib /s
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  • attrib:tldr:b60b2 attrib: Add the `[r]ead-only` or `[a]rchive` or `[s]ystem` or `[h]idden` or `not content [i]ndexed` attribute to files or directories.
    $ attrib +${select} ${path\to\file_or_directory1 path\to\file_or_directory2 ---}
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  • attrib:tldr:d8728 attrib: Display all set attributes of files and [d]irectories in the current directory.
    $ attrib /d
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