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authconfig: Enable Winbind (Active Directory) authentication.
$ authconfig --update --enablewinbindauth
try on your machine

The command authconfig --update --enablewinbindauth is used to update the system's authentication configuration with the option to enable Winbind authentication.

Here is a breakdown of the command's components:

  • authconfig: This is the command itself, which is typically used to configure various authentication settings on Unix-like systems.
  • --update: This option is used to update the system's authentication configuration.
  • --enablewinbindauth: This option specifically enables Winbind authentication. Winbind is a component of the Samba suite, which allows Unix-like systems to integrate and authenticate with Windows domains.

When this command is executed, it typically updates the system's authentication configuration files to enable Winbind authentication, allowing the system to authenticate user logins against a Windows domain. This can be useful in environments where there is a need for centralized user management and authentication across Windows and Unix-like systems.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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