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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool authconfig. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Authconfig is a command line tool used in Linux systems for configuring authentication and identity management services. It allows system administrators to manage various authentication methods and settings easily.

The tool provides several options to configure authentication settings, such as enabling or disabling authentication methods like LDAP, Kerberos, or NIS. It also allows configuring system-wide password policies like password complexity requirements, password history, and password expiration settings.

Authconfig provides the ability to configure network-based user authentication services like LDAP and Kerberos for centralized user management. It allows administrators to set up user and group mapping between local and network-based authentication sources.

This tool enables the configuration of various security-related settings, including secure shell (SSH) access, system authentication and authorization module configurations, and Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) settings.

Authconfig also offers the ability to configure various network authentication services, including Network Information System (NIS), Network File System (NFS) authentication, and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client settings.

The tool can be used to manage and configure user and group account information, configure naming services, and set up domain name resolution using the Domain Name System (DNS).

It supports both command line options and configuration file options, allowing administrators to automate and script the authentication configuration process.

Authconfig is typically used on Linux distributions like Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, and Fedora, providing a standardized way to manage authentication settings across these systems.

The command line tool is accompanied by additional documentation and utilities that assist in the proper configuration and management of authentication services.

Overall, authconfig is a powerful and flexible command line tool for system administrators to manage authentication and identity management settings on Linux systems effectively.

List of commands for authconfig:

  • authconfig:tldr:46af6 authconfig: Enable local authorization.
    $ authconfig --update --enablelocauthorize
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  • authconfig:tldr:75154 authconfig: Configure the server to use a different password hashing algorithm.
    $ authconfig --update --passalgo=${algorithm}
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  • authconfig:tldr:8ff9c authconfig: Enable LDAP authentication.
    $ authconfig --update --enableldapauth
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  • authconfig:tldr:9ddea authconfig: Enable Winbind (Active Directory) authentication.
    $ authconfig --update --enablewinbindauth
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  • authconfig:tldr:d0c05 authconfig: Enable Network Information Service (NIS).
    $ authconfig --update --enablenis
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  • authconfig:tldr:efbc2 authconfig: Disable LDAP authentication.
    $ authconfig --update --disableldapauth
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  • authconfig:tldr:f11fd authconfig: Enable Kerberos.
    $ authconfig --update --enablekrb5
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  • authconfig:tldr:f4e06 authconfig: Display the current configuration (or dry run).
    $ authconfig --test
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tool overview