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authconfig: Enable Network Information Service (NIS).
$ authconfig --update --enablenis
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The "authconfig" command is a Linux utility used to configure system authentication and identity. It allows you to enable or disable different authentication mechanisms and update related settings.

In this particular command: "authconfig --update --enablenis", the options used are:

  1. "--update": This option instructs "authconfig" to update the system's authentication configuration based on the specified parameters.

  2. "--enablenis": This option enables the Network Information Service (NIS) authentication mechanism. NIS is a distributed directory service used for centralized user authentication and configuration files. By using this option, you enable the system to authenticate users against an NIS server.

So, executing this command will update the system's authentication configuration and enable NIS as one of the authentication mechanisms.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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